
What is BDD?

  • TLD: Test Last Development (Coding -> Tests Creation)

  • TDD: Test Driven Develoment (Tests Creation -> Coding)

  • BDD: Behavior Driven Development

    • BDD is an extension of TDD
    • a bahavior of the application
    • more user-focused
    • use human-readable description of user requirements
    • written in a shared language(tech non-tech stakeholders)
    • e.g. Gherkin(Cucumber provided)
  • Gherkin will look like

  • Tools for BDD: helps in Creating & Automating BDD user stories

  • Cucumber

  • JBehave

  • Behat

Set a Cucumber Java Project

  1. create a new maven project
  2. add maven dependencies
  • Cucumber Java
  • Cucumber JUnit
  • JUnit
  • Selenium Java
  1. create a folder features under /test/resources
  2. create login feature under features
  3. download plugins to Idea Plugins
  • Cucumber for Java
  • Gherkin
  1. add content to feature
  2. try to run feature file
  3. add step definition / glue code under test/java package
  4. create a runner class

First Selenium Test

  1. add maven dependiency
  • Selenium Java
  1. create feature and add content
  2. glue code
  3. download browser driver
  4. add selenium webdriver code
  5. run feature and check execution

Page Object Model

  1. Designe pattern to create Object Repository
  2. a class which created for each page to indentify web elements of that pag
  3. also contains methods to do action on the objects
  4. seperate test objects and test scripts


  1. maintainability
  2. usability
  3. readability
  4. easier faster reliable

Page Factory here

  1. a simple and easier implemtnation of POM in selenium
  2. selenium’s inbuild and optimize POM concept
  3. as POM,has seperation of objects and test
  4. use annotation @FindBy to find WebElements
  • @FindBy can use id,name,css,xpath,tagName,linkText,partialLinkText
  • @FindBy also can get element list
  1. use method initElements to initialize web elements
  • on calling initElements method all objects in that page gets initialized
  • PageFactoy.initElements(driver,HomePage_PF.class) get OutOfMemoryException
    public HomePage_PF(WebDriver driver) {
    this.driver = driver;
    PageFactory.initElements(driver, this); //right use
  1. use @CacheLookup to instruct the initElements() method to cache element once its located and do that it will not be searched over and over again whenever calling it from any method
  • this works well with a basic web application
  • not recommended if you have Ajax applicaiton where DOM changes on user actions
  • in case ,you will get StaleElementExceptions,avoid using this
  • for Ajax application:
    • to handle loading time for element and to avoid ‘NoSuchElementException
    • use AjaxElementLocatorFactory Class
    • timeout for a WebElement can be assigned to the Object page class with the help of this class
      PageFactory.initElements(new AjaxElementLocatorFactory(driver,30),this);


  1. Features and Scenarios can be marked by tags
  2. in test runner we canrun specific tags
  • can run with single OR mutiples tags
  • can run with combination of tags or using AND OR NOT conditions
    • "@smoke"
    • "@smoke or @regression"
    • "@smoke and @regression"
    • "@smoke","@regression"
    • "@smoke and not @regression"
  • can skip scnarios having specific tags
  1. a feature or scenarios can have mutiples tags
  2. tags can be placed above the following Gherkin elements:
  • Feature
  • Scenario
  • Scenario Outline
  • Examples
  • not possible to place tags above Background or steps(Given,When,Then,And,But)
  1. create commands with tags combination as required to be run from command line
  • mvn test -Dcucumber.filter.tags="@smoke and @regression"


  1. Blocks of code that runs before OR after each scenarios
  2. Hooks in Cucumber are like Listeners in TestNG
  3. can define hook by using annotations @Before @After
  • Scenario Hooks - run before and after each scenarios
  • Step Hook - run before and after each step
  • Condition Hooks - hook asscociated with tags for condition execution
  1. Why to use Hooks
  • to manage the setup and teardown
  • to avoid rewriting the common setup or teardown actions
  • allow better management of code workflow
  1. @Before @After @BeforeSteps @AfterSteps @After(value="@smoke",order=2)


  1. a step or a grounp of steps that are common to all the scenaiors in a feature
  2. is defined once in the feature
  3. runs before every scenario of the feature
  4. why use?
  • to avoid repeating the common steps
  • for better readability & maintainance
  • unlike hoooks , background is vixible to the readers of the feature

Run form commoand line

  1. What
  • run your test or features from command line or terminal without using IDE or GUI
    • Command
    • Terminal
    • Console
  1. Why use
  • no dependency on IDE or GUI
  • useful in integration with other processes
    • Continuous Integration
    • Delivery and Deployment
  • Easier & Faster
  • consumes less memory
  1. When
  • whenever fast run
  • whenever need to integration with other processes CI CD DevOps
  • whenever using CI tools like Jenkins
  • whenever you need any batch or scheduled execution
  • whenever you are done with your test creation and setup
  1. How
  • mvn test
  • mvn test -Dcucumber.options --help use help of cucumber
    • mvn test -Dcucumber.options="feature file path"
    • mvn test -Dcucumber.options="feature file path:7"
    • mvn test -Dcucumber.options="--tags @smoke"
    • mvn test -Dcucumber.options="--plugin html:target/HtmlReports"
  • mvn test -Dcucumber.options="" -Dcucumber.options=""

HTML Report

  1. How - maven cucumber reporting