Web Service
- service available over web
- enables communication between application over the web
- provides a standard protocol/format for communication
- platform indenpendent communition
- using web services two different applications can talk to each other and exchange data/information
- Server (Service Provider)
- a web service provider develops/implements the application(web service) and make it available over the internet(web)
- Client (Service Consumer)
- Client —-REQUEST—-> Server
- Client <—RESPONSE—- Server
- two web service implements:
- SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
- Medium:HTTP(POST)
- Format:XML
- REST (RE:presentational State Transfer)
Consumer need to know:
- what are the services available?
- what are the request and response parameters?
- how to call the web service?
Service Provider publishes an interface for his web services that describes all arrtibutes o fthe web serives
This is XML based interface and is called - WSDL
- WSDL: Web Services Description Language
A web service provider publishes his web service through wsdl on an online directory from where consumers can query and search the web services. This online directory/registry is called UDDI
- UDDI: Universal Description,Discovery and Integration
- is an XML based standard for publishing and finding web services
SOAP Web Services
A web service that compiles to the soap web services specifications is a soap web services
- who defines and dictates these standards?
- W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
- what are these specifications/standards?
- Basic
- Extended
- WS - Security
- WS - Policy
- …
- SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol
- All information/message exchange happens over a common format:XML
- XML messges have a defined structure:SOAP MESSAGE
- SOAP MESSAGE consist of:Envelop (Header Body)
Rest Web Services
what is REST
- REpresentational State Transfer
A Resource’s Representation is transferred between server and client
a web servie that communications/exchanges information between 2 applications using REST architecture/principles is called a Restful Web Service
what are the principles/constrains od REST architecture?
- Uniform Interface
- Resource: everything is a resource
- URI: any resource/data can be accessed by a URI
- HTTP: make explicit use of HTTP methods
Using HTTP Methods along with URI, we can access/modify any resource or resource information
Request Response Get http://example.com/employees list of employees Get http://example.com/employees/10 detail of employee with id=10 Post http://example.com/employees +Data of new employee id of new employee Delete http://example.com/employees/10 deletes employee with id=10 Put http://example.com/employees/10 +Data to be changed modifies data for emplyee 10
- Stateless
- all client-server communitions are stateless
- improves Web Service Performance
- Cacheable
- happens at client side
- Layered System
- multiple layers can exist between client and server,e.g. Proxies Gateways
- improves performance and scalability
- Code On Demand(Optional)
- ability to download and execute code on client side
Authorization 授权 & Authentication 认证
- Auhthorizatin: what can you do or what access do you have?
- Authentication: who you are?
- Why do we have Authorization and NOT Authentication in API Request?